Thugs from the Communist Party of Canada-Marxist Leninist People's Front Against Racism launch an Oct. 17 attack at a rally organized by the B.C. Organization to Fight Racism. Several members of the CFU were injured. Pacific Tribune Photo

"The CPC-ML came after us. When we started the Farmworkers' Organizing Committee they started the Farmworkers' Defence Committee. When we formed the CFU they called themselves the General Farm and Allied Workers Union. They even convinced some farmworkers that they were the bona fide union. At the Oct. 17 rally called by the BCOFR, Charlie Boylan (head of the CPC-ML) accused me of hitting him with a picket sign. I was actually arrested and eventually spent three days in Oakalla (prison).

"The verdict was eventually turned over, but the CPC-ML forced the CFU to spend thousands of hours in the courts wasting legal funds when it could have been organizing. We kept the Law Union of B.C. busy. Lawyers like Calvin Sandborn and Stuart Rush and Michael Fleming. If it hadn�t been for them we would not have survived. They spent thousands of hours and were available to us 24 hours a day .

"I'm convinced the CPC-ML was actually a front for the CIA doing just what the CIA wanted - dividing and frustrating the class struggle." - Sarwan Boal, 1995